After Atkins, we headed back to Russellville, to the Rest Haven Cemetery. That place is big, so we asked the kind lady in the office to help us locate the right graves.
Next on the list was Rankin Cemetery. It's older than Rest Haven and right next door. We found our ancestor right away, but a little maintenance (and sweat) was needed to capture a picture under the shady trees.
It was still uncomfortably hot like the day before, so we took a drink break.
We eventually wandered back into Russellville downtown to Oakland Cemetery. It's big, too, but I had a section map. This worked fine until we couldn't find a particular grave in section 7. Turns out the clump of trees counted as a section, so we were looking in the wrong place. After what felt like forever, we found the grave and headed to lunch.
After the meal we went to the library again. They have a microfilm machine that accepts jump drives. I was able to get images of John R. Williamson's original will, George Montgomery Pike Williamson's original will, William Woodberry Williamson's marriage certificate with Sarah Brigham / Brigance, and more. The machine was a stubborn one and it took longer than it should to get these few documents.
I never fully recovered from being in the sun all day, so we retired early. We ended up getting to 4 of 6 cemeteries.
Day four would be our last day, so it was sure to be packed with activity...
Wow, you beat me. When I went to Ohio for a genealogy trip, three graveyards in one day was all I could take.