I do some sort of genealogy related thing each day. However, they really aren't blogworthy endeavors, which is why you see gaps on my blog posting calendar.
Here's what I've done this week:
Monday - attended my first ProGen3 chat. I belong to the new ProGen class and we had our first meeting. I had an assignment to do (make a mission statement and bio) and discussion questions to answer. Everything is centered around professional genealogy and it really makes you think. I'll probably write more about this experience in time.
Tuesday - I dragged my Geni.com family tree off the Internet shelf. I've had one for a while, but didn't have time to fill it in properly. I've begun adding more names. I'm also uploading a ton of pictures and tagging them. Geni is interactive. You're supposed to invite family members to join. Then everyone posts comments, stories, etc. in a private online setting. I'm not convinced my family will buy in to that, but at least there will be a family record others can look at.
Wednesday - I started working on my next ProGen3 assignment. I have to make an educational plan. Much focus is on strengths and weaknesses. I then have to pick eduational opportunities to fill those gaps and make a timeline. This is harder than it looks. I'm doing it in bits and pieces.
Thursday - I'll probably work on my ProGen3 homework again, then play with Geni a bit. I also have to do mom, wife and maid things...so that's a big chunk of my day.
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