Friday, July 3, 2009

On Being a Rock Star

If you read many genealogy blogs, chances are you heard someone mention the "Rock Star" ribbons some people wore on their conference badges at the 2009 Southern California Genealogical Society Jamboree.

I'm the one who brought the Rock Star badge ribbons to the party. My intention was to give a little present the folks who read my blog, are Facebook friends or follow me on Twitter. It was just a little sumthin' sumthin' and my way of saying thanks for being part of my world.

The ribbons were way more popular than I expected them to be. I loosely knew whom to expect at the Jamboree and I had a mental list of who I wanted to meet and make sure they had ribbons. The only problem was that word of the ribbons spread faster than I found everyone, and it created a teeny buzz. People wanted to know where to get the ribbons. I even had a big-name blogger sheepishly approach me and ask for a ribbon and I thought, "Are you kidding me? You're famous. You should have five ribbons!"

Occasionally, genealogy events can be stuffy affairs: all business and no fun. I want to change that in my own way. I am so relieved everyone at the Jamboree loved the ribbons and showed their Rock Star personalities.

The Rock Star ribbons also illustrated an important lesson on the value of social networking in genealogy. I gave those ribbons to people who were in my social networks. Conference attendees said that they saw them everywhere. What they saw was MY social network right before their eyes. There are those who say Facebook is a waste of time, blogs are semi-useless and Twitter has no informational value, but the Rock Stars show that just isn't true.


  1. How much fun! And way to show those non-believers that social networking is the wave of the future, even for genealogy! :)

  2. They wanted to know what band I played in back in the '60's and if I used to have long stringy hair.

    Nobody wanted a song from me, though! Or an autograph.

    Thanks for the rock Star- I will always treasure it and if I can find it in September, i'll wear it to FGS to confuse folks even more.

  3. I thought it was a nice touch and that you chose the "rock stars" well. As Randy Seaver visited the Genlighten booth, my mother (who's not a genealogist and hadn't heard of Randy) noticed his Rock Star ribbon. I reassured her that he had not chosen the designation himself and that he did indeed deserve it!

  4. I'm honored to have received one of these ribbons. Enjoyed my time with all the fellow "rock stars" and hope we can all do it again at another event!

    Thank you, Amy!

  5. I love being a Rock Star, and you are the Queen of Rock.

  6. Rock Star Ribbons were the Rolex of Jamboree. I am very proud to have mine.


  7. Fun fun fun. Lighten it up if it's stuffy, and display YOUR social network as well. Kudos to you (and thanks for mine!)

    But most of all, I just want to call out this as a delicious phrase and saying that's a little more profound at second glance:

    "Conference attendees said that they saw them everywhere. What they saw was MY social network right before their eyes."

    That's some Rock-Star calibre insight right there!
