Monday, December 7, 2009

Advent Calendar: December 7

(This is post 7 in the Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories hosted by

Prompt: December 7 - Holiday Parties
Did your family throw a holiday party each year? Do you remember attending any holiday parties?

My family didn't throw a holiday party for friends, but they did host one for work. Usually it was at a restaurant.

When I was first married, my husband's employer put on extravagant parties. There was a ton of dysfunction in that place, so I loved taking advantage of the free eats/open bar and watch the drama from the sidelines. But those days are over and the current employer doesn't do holiday events.

I miss those parties.


  1. The dysfunctional parties do sound like good entertainment. ;-) I work for a seminary... so I'm not expecting much from the Christmas party, ha!

  2. The dysfunctional parties do sound like good entertainment. ;-) I work for a seminary... so I'm not expecting much from the Christmas party, ha!
