Sunday, January 24, 2010


The text on my blog looks funky on my netbook. Not sure how it looks on a full-size computer. I'll check it out when I get home. Until then, just bear with it. Sorry for the inconvenience.


  1. Looks like you accidentally increased the font size of your blog - not just the posts, but the sidebar as well. It's readable though, and those with "senior eyes" might appreciate it! :-)

  2. Thanks for letting me know what you're seeing, Miriam. It's hard for me to judge on this tiny screen. I tried to correct it, but I don't want to make any drastic changes until I get home to my bigger screen.

  3. Amy, it's gone from large size (the post earlier today) to large size AND boldface. :) I agree with Miriam that the larger size (but not the boldface) might be a plus for your older readers. I thought Thomas might have suggested using a larger font for that very reason in the presentation you attended, so I thought the change was on purpose!

  4. I think it looks just fine. A little larger font than previous posts but not much.

  5. Amy

    It also seems that you are using BOLD on this post compared to the older posts. I personally like the larger font - there is a way to set the sidebar font to be a different size.

    Don't worry. You didn't break your blog or break The Internets! Enjoy your flight back to Houston and I was so glad to be in your company this weekend!

  6. Ditto with Miriam.
    Wish I could change my blog font to a little larger. It's actually possible but a little complicated to handle right now!
    Evelyn in Montreal

  7. It's not bold. There is no check mark in the "bold" box. I tested it and made it bold and there's a huge difference. I'm not sure why this post looks different from the last, but it's definitely not bold.

    Might just be one of those Blogger things.
