Thursday, December 23, 2010

Advent Calendar: December 23

(This is post 23 in the Advent Calendar of Christmas Memories hosted by

Prompt: December - Christmas Sweetheart Memories
Do you have a special memory of a first Christmas present from a sweetheart? How did you spend your first Christmas together? Any Christmas engagements or weddings among your ancestors?

My parents got engaged in December 24, 1965.

I got engaged on December 24, 1995.

That's 30 years later for the math-challenged.

My now husband gave me a robe and put the ring in the pocket. I was too stupid to check the pocket. We're perfect for each other.

Post engagement 1995.
I'm not short, I'm vertically challenged.

(Originally published December 23, 2009)


  1. How cute. I probably wouldn't have checked the pocket either.

  2. As my husband and I say, "Nobody else would have us - we're perfect for each other." Loved this post and identified with it.

  3. How funny...

    So how long did he wait to point it out to you?
