Friday, November 4, 2011

Have fun at the TSGS conference

The Texas State Genealogical Society annual conference is happening right now. In Houston. And I'm not there.

I've never been to this event because it's always out of town, and I can't leave my own town when my son is in school.

This year, it is in Houston. And I'm still not there. I probably could have done a couple hours on Friday. Saturday is completely out of the question because my son has a band thing. It's a very big band event, and it goes from about 8am-5pm.

I'm sorry I will miss my friend and TSGS conference keynote Paula Stuart-Warren. I'm sorry I will miss an opportunity to catch up with all my other Texas genealogy friends.

However, family duty calls. Maybe next year.

1 comment:

  1. Okay Amy next years conference will be at Fort Worth the first weekend in November featuring Curt Witcher.
